Sunday, May 15, 2016

Instant inflatable life saving cushion with it no deep sea wreck

Instant inflatable life-saving cushion: with it, no deep sea wreck 20160513-instant-relief-1

00 knew after Titanic, but 100 years ago this instant inflated rescue cushion (Instant Relief), no vessel deep sad things.


Based on a multiple of accidents at sea and rescue difficult, and provides relief faster and more simple way-all and time than fast? All too few distraught rescue equipment? When she's nervous or could not be found worn too much trouble? X-DORIA iWatch Case X-DORIA iWatch Case

This problem is not a problem in Instant Relief.

It is a folding storage gasbag of lifesaving equipment, vessel damage can be triggered immediately, form a grid of 50 square meters for 2 minutes life-saving cushion, and away from the hull. Escape staff can follow the grid escape vessel, non-transparent partitions in the middle of the grid could also facilitate the elderly woman people sit to rest.

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X-DORIA iWatch Case

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